Thursday, June 21, 2012

Goat Biosecurity

The Importance of Biosecurity on your Goat Farm
By: Margaret A. Bell, Livestock Agent
Craven & Jones Counties
Adapted from “APHIS Biosecurity on U.S. Goat Operations.”

Have you ever thought about biosecurity on your farm? What is biosecurity? Biosecurity is various different practices you can implement on your farm to reduce the risk of introducing disease into your herd. This is a very important part of your herd’s health. Even one animal having a disease on your farm could affect the rest of your animals. Read on to learn more about how to make biosecurity improvements to your herd and your farm in general.

Herd Additions
Every time you add a new animal to your herd, you run the risk of introducing disease. There are three good practices to fend off disease from new animals. First, you can choose to have a closed herd, meaning the only way you add animals is through kidding on your farm. Obviously, this is not ideal for all farms because there is no way to add new bloodlines or improve genetics in a closed herd. Second, new animals should be quarantined and checked for signs and symptoms of disease for at least 30 days. Lastly, health management practices are a good way to help ensure your herd stays healthy. These may include: veterinary exams, deworming, vaccinations, and testing for disease.

Usage of Needles
By reusing needles between animals, you greatly increase your risk of disease transmission. The best practice would be to not reuse needles. However, if this is not possible, you can reduce your risk of disease transmission by disinfecting needles between each use.

Veterinarian – Patient – Client Relationship
It is very important to have a veterinarian who has a good client – patient relationship with you and your goat herd. Veterinarians are a good source of information about the goat industry as well as goat health. Regular farm visits by your veterinarian may help improve your herd, genetics, and provide a great opportunity for you to ask questions about your herd.

Farm Visitors
When visitors come to your farm, it is very important that they take precautions not to spread disease. Disease agents can be spread through various locations such as clothing, hands, boots, vehicles, or instruments. You can require that visitors take any and all of the following precautions: change into clean boots, use shoe covers, wash hands before touching the animals, don’t park near the goat area, and use a footbath before entering goat area.

Kidding Management
It may be a very good idea to keep does that are kidding for the first time away from the rest of the herd because if they become infected with bacterial pathogens while pregnant, they could abort, have abnormal kids, or kid early. Also, it is important to promptly remove placentas and aborted fetuses because they can hold infectious organisms that could possibly spread to other goats.

You should also consider taking precautions with your goats having physical contact with other animals including raccoons, skunks, and opossums. These animals can carry disease and infect your herd. Also, it is very important to make sure your animals are properly identified with an identification number, such as a Scrapie tag. Various forms of identification are required by the U.S. Department of Agriculture when animals are sold or moved from the farm.

These are just a few ways you can make your farm less susceptible to disease. Follow these steps to help raise biosecurity at your farm: work closely with your veterinarian, isolate new animals, disinfect or do not reuse needles between animals, limit outside animal contact as well as visitor contact, use proper animal identification, and properly manage kidding areas to reduce disease transfer. If you have any questions about how biosecure your farm is, feel free to contact your local Cooperative Extension agent.

Monday, June 4, 2012

and the winners are...

i am so proud of my skillathon team and beef showmen i can hardly stand it! please help me congratulate the following youth from jones county: logan murphy, cheyenne pike, paul pike, jonathan murphy, ashley murphy, evan andrews, and megan downs for placing FIRST in the jr. skillathon competition and FIRST in the intermediate skillathon competition as well as jonathan murphy for placing 4th overall in intermediate, paul pike for placing 2nd overall in jr. and logan murphy for placing 3rd overall in jr. also, help me congratulate logan murphy and brandon gillen for competing in the jr. beef roundup. brandon's heifer placed 1st in her class; logan's heifer placed 2nd in her class and both got to go back for divisional championships. brandon and logan competed in the ultimate heifer makeover as a team of 4 and placed 3rd overall! logan placed in the final round of showmanship. nicholas gillen competed in a coloring competition and received a ribbon. please help me congratulate all of these wonderful youth on their accomplishments this past weekend. jones county was very well represented! i am so proud of ya'll :)