Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Congratulations to our Skill-A-Thon and Livestock Judging Team!!

To those who participated in the 2011 State Skill-A-Thon and Livestock Judging Competitions, way to go!! You all really put on your game face and gave it your all. I would like to recognize those who placed at the competition and won awards!

The Skill-A-Thon participants were:
Savannah Kuhn
Ashley Kuhn
Cheyenne Pike
Ashley Murphy
Jonathan Murphy
Megan Downs

Ashley Murphy placed 10th in overall individual high score!

The Livestock Judging participants were:
Megan Downs
Jonathan Murphy
Ashley Murphy
Cheyenne Pike
Cassidy Sutton
Holly Sutton

The team placed 4th high team in meat goats and 3rd high team in sheep! Also, Ashley Murphy placed 10th overall in individual high score - swine! Cassidy Sutton placed 9th in overall combined individual score! Holly Sutton placed 5th individual high score - sheep!

I would like to personally thank all of the parents, youth, and supporters of the youth livestock program in Craven and Jones Counties. You all are the reason that the youth were so successful!

Again, congrats! I am so proud of each of you and look forward to working with you again for the next competition in October during the State Fair.

Also! Check us out in the Jones Post this week! : )