Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tri-Livestock Competition

So proud of my Jones County Skill-A-Thon team! We attended the Tri-Livestock Competition this past Saturday and came back with something to show for it! See placings below. WAY TO GO JONES COUNTY!!!

Participants: Cheyenne Pike, Eddie Almanza, Anthony Almanza, Logan Murphy, Ashley Murphy, Paul Pike

TOP JR. TEAM - Skill-A-Thon
TOP JR. TEAM - Stockmen's Bowl

10th place Livestock Judging JR. Individual - Eddie Almanza
6th place Livestock Judging JR. Individual - Ashley Murphy
2nd place Livestock Judging JR. Individual - Paul Pike

6th place Skill-A-Thon JR. Individual - Logan Murphy
5th place Skill-A-Thon JR. Individual - Paul Pike
1st place Skill-A-Thon JR. Individual - Ashley Murphy

Ag Fact of the Month

Myth: "Use of pesticides is causing environmental and human illness problems. Meat contains more pesticides than do plant-source foods."

Fact: "Government data indicate that, for both plant and animal foods, there is no evidence of chemicals at anything more than a fraction of tolerance levels proven to be safe. USDA's official report for 1989 on residue monitoring of meat showed no violative pesticide resides in beef."

Resource: "Beef Promotion and Research Board by the National Cattlemen's Association."