By: Margaret A. Bell, Livestock Agent - Craven & Jones
Adapted from Leon Warren’s
“Winter Weed Identification in Coastal Bermudagrass Fields” presentation at CCA
*Why should I be concerned with grass weeds and broadleaf
Grass weeds interfere with hay drying and growing pure
stands. Grass weeds are not typically a health concern except johnsongrass.
Broadleaf weeds are noxious, toxic, and due to their prickly nature, make it
hard or impossible for livestock to graze them.
*Why is it important to identify your weeds early?
Early identification will help you control the weeds before
your actual crop gets thinned out. You may be able to save money because
younger plants usually require less herbicide. Some mature plants can not be
controlled by herbicide no matter the rate. Weed seeds will not be killed by herbicides,
just the parent plant- not offspring.
*When is the best time to control weeds in winter annuals
and cool season perennials?
Usually October through December because weeds are young and
actively growing. There are many factors that affect the best time to control
weeds such as germination. Another good time to control winter weeds is February
through April because they are starting their final growth spurt. However, you
don’t want to wait too late by allowing the weeds to seed out.
*When is a bad time to try to control weeds in winter annuals
and cool season perennials?
Usually December through February is a bad time to try to
control your winter weeds. However, you can apply glyphosate and paraquat to
winter weeds on dormant bermuda during these months.
*Is it permitted to pump hog waste on dormant bermuda in the
No, because nitrogen will not be utilized and you increase
the potential for runoff in streams and ditches. However, you can apply hog
waste to cover crops such as cereal grains and winter grasses because they are
actively growing in the winter.
*What are several common winter weeds that I need to look
out for?
Henbit – winter annual broadleaf; common chickweed – winter
annual broadleaf; white clover – perennial broadleaf; curly dock – perennial
broadleaf; wild mustard – winter annual broadleaf; wild radish – winter annual
broadleaf; Carolina geranium – winter annual broadleaf; Shepard’s purse –
winter annual broadleaf; spiny sowthistle – winter annual broadleaf; hairy
bittercress – winter annual broadleaf; common dandelion – perennial broadleaf;
buckhorn plantain – perennial broadleaf; buttercup – annual / perennial
broadleaf; horseweed – annual broadleaf; vetch – winter annual or perennial
broadleaf; cutleaf evening primrose – biennial broadleaf; wild garlic – clump
forming perennial.
***ALWAYS READ LABELS. Cooperative Extension agents can help
you identify your weeds and help recommend a weed control program. However, it
is very important you always read labels and adhere to restrictions – in livestock,
especially hay and grazing restrictions. For more information, contact your
local Cooperative Extension livestock agent.
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